
Oavsett om du använder Trafficweb som datahubb i din ITS-applikation eller bara vill ha en översikt över trafiksituationen på din stads webbplats kan du hämta informationen från Trafficweb's API. Med stöd för både fordon-för-fordon-realtidsdata och aggregerade mätvärden bör du hitta vad du behöver här.


För att komma åt Trafficweb's API behöver du först ett konto. Dina kontouppgifter består av ett användarnamn och lösenord och berättar för Trafficweb vilka grupper du är medlem i och därmed vilka data du har tillgång till. Om du inte redan har ett konto kan du skaffa ett genom att fylla i formuläret på sidan Kom igång.


Trafficweb API är en RESTful-tjänst som nås via HTTPS på trafficweb.io/api. Objekt returneras i JSON-format. Här är några rader exempel för att komma igång.

require "net/https"
require "uri"

# set path and SSL mode
uri = URI.parse("https://trafficweb.io/api/locations")
http = Net::HTTP.new(uri.host, uri.port)
http.use_ssl = true

# create request with basic auth
request = Net::HTTP::Get.new(uri.request_uri)
request.basic_auth('USERNAME', 'PASSWORD')

# make request and print results
response = http.request(request)
puts response.body
from http.client import HTTPSConnection
from base64 import b64encode

# set up the HTTPS connection
c = HTTPSConnection("trafficweb.io")

# base64 encode credentials as it's stored as byte string by Python
credentials = b64encode(b"USERNAME:PASSWORD").decode("ascii")
headers = {'Authorization': 'Basic %s' % credentials}

# make the request and read response
c.request('GET', '/api/locations', headers=headers)
res = c.getresponse()
curl -u USERNAME:PASSWORD https://trafficweb.io/api/locations



A location represents a point on a map. It contains a name for the point, possible identifiers for the road and coordinates. Meta information such as speed limit and number of lanes on the road can also be included.

Get locations

GET /locations
Name Type Required Description
limitintegernoLimits the number of objects returned (max and default is 1000)
offsetintegernoSpecifies the number of objects to skip
Example response
Status: 200 OK
    "name":"Test location 1",
    "road_identifier":"Test road 66",
    "name":"Test location 2",
    "road_identifier":"Test road 66",

Get specific location

GET /locations/{id}
Example response
Status: 200 OK

    "name":"Test location 1",
    "road_identifier":"Test road 66",


An installation represents the physical location of a detector at a given time by connecting detectors with locations and a time interval. The interval can be open, meaning the detector is currently installed at the location. The installation also contains information about the configuration of the detector at the time, such as classification scheme used.

Get installations

GET /installations
Name Type Required Description
location_idintegernoReturns installations at given location
limitintegernoLimits the number of objects returned (max and default is 1000)
offsetintegernoSpecifies the number of objects to skip
Example response
Status: 200 OK
    "classification_scheme":"Euro 6",
    "classification_scheme":"NorSIKT 4",

Get specific installation

GET /installation/{id}
Example response
Status: 200 OK

    "classification_scheme":"Euro 6",

Measurement periods

A measurement period contains information on when measurements have been conducted for a given installation. Note that some detectors stream data continously rather than in predetermined intervals and thus lack measurement periods.

Get measurement periods

GET /measurement_periods
Name Type Required Description
installation_idintegernoReturns mesaurement periods for given installation
limitintegernoLimits the number of objects returned (max and default is 1000)
offsetintegernoSpecifies the number of objects to skip
Example response
Status: 200 OK

Get specific measurement period

GET /measurement_period/{id}
Example response
Status: 200 OK



A detection represents a detected vehicle, cyclist or pedestrian by a detector. It contains information on the type, speed and bearing of the vehicle. Supported classification schemes are:
- AUSTROADS (Level1)
- Austroads
- Crowd Analytics
- EUR6
- Heavy/Light
- Houston Radar
- Metor
- Metor Loop
- Miovision
- Pyrobox
- SDR Örebro
- Sensebit 5
- Sensebit 8
- Sensebit classes
- Sierzega
- Tindra
- VD11
- Wavetronix
- via count

Get detections

GET /detections
Name Type Required Description
installation_idintegeryesSpecifies installation for which detections is desired
fromstringyesDate and time representing start of desired interval on ISO8601 format
tostringyesDate and time representing end of desired interval on ISO8601 format
limitintegernoLimits the number of objects returned (max and default is 1000)
offsetintegernoSpecifies the number of objects to skip
classification_schemestringnoClassification scheme that objects are returned in. See list of supported schemes above.
Example response
Status: 200 OK


A detector contains information about a physical measurement equipment such as technology, brand and model.

Get detectors

GET /detectors
Name Type Required Description
limitintegernoLimits the number of objects returned (max and default is 1000)
offsetintegernoSpecifies the number of objects to skip
Example response
Status: 200 OK
    "technology":"Inductive Loop",

Get specific detector

GET /detectors/{id}
Example response
Status: 200 OK


Data losses

A data loss contains information on where data is corrupt or missing from a measurement. By specifying an interval as well as type of data loss, currupt data can be excluded from calculations.

Get data losses

GET /data_losses
Name Type Required Description
detector_idintegernoSpecifies detector for which data losses to be retrieved
fromstringnoDate and time representing start of desired interval on ISO8601 format
tostringnoDate and time representing end of desired interval on ISO8601 format
limitintegernoLimits the number of objects returned (max and default is 1000)
offsetintegernoSpecifies the number of objects to skip
Example response
Status: 200 OK
    "comment":"Power outage"
    "comment":"Tube broken, count ok"

Get specific data loss

GET /data_losses/{id}
Example response
Status: 200 OK

    "comment":"Power outage"


All access to data is controlled by the users memberships in groups. The group data structure contains id and the name of a group.

Get groups

GET /groups
Example response
Status: 200 OK
    "name":"Test group one"
    "name":"Test group two"

Get specific group

GET /groups/{id}
Example response
Status: 200 OK

    "name":"Test group one"

Legacy API (not recommended for new designs)

Location metrics

Location metrics contains aggregated traffic data for a location, such as average daily traffic, average speeds and percentage heavy traffic.

Get location metrics

GET /location_metrics
Name Type Required Description
locations_per_pageintegernoSpecifies the maximum number of objects to be returned
pageintegernoSpecifies the offset in locations_per_page counts
Example response
Status: 200 OK
    "location": {
      "id": 123,
      "name": "Test location 1",
      "speed_limit": 70,
      "diff_speed_limit": null,
      "diff_speed_limit_descr": null,
      "owner": "Test city 1"
    "measurement": {
      "start": "2021-03-24T05:00:00.000Z",
      "stop": "2021-03-24T16:00:00.000Z",
      "daily_traffic": 1203,
      "workday_daily_traffic": 1345,
      "weekend_daily_traffic": 1002,
      "average_speed": 54.8,
      "speed_percentile_50": 54.0,
      "speed_percentile_85": 63.0,
      "type": "motor_vehicles",
      "sensors": ["Magnetometer (Sensebit FLEX)"],
      "link": "https://trafficweb.io/..."
    "location": {
      "id": 124,
      "name": "Test location 2",
      "speed_limit": 70,
      "diff_speed_limit": null,
      "diff_speed_limit_descr": null,
      "owner": "Test city 1"
    "measurement": {
      "start": "2021-03-23T23:00:00.000Z",
      "stop": "2021-03-24T23:00:00.000Z",
      "daily_traffic": 1589,
      "workday_daily_traffic": 1589,
      "weekend_daily_traffic": null,
      "average_speed": 49.1,
      "speed_percentile_50": 47.0,
      "speed_percentile_85": 59.0,
      "type": "motor_vehicles",
      "sensors": ["Magnetometer (Sensebit WD-300)"],
      "link": "https://trafficweb.io/..."